This retreat time is to be divided, roughly, between time spent living my personal life deliberately and critically and time spent deliberately pursuing one or more of the professional or avocational projects I am called to complete — my work, so to speak.
Inasmuch as I've still got computer lab hours to attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 4:00, I've decided that mornings will be set aside for the former and afternoons for the latter, broadly speaking. I don't have many specific choices made, but my goal is to get them made over the course of one week and have them in place for the next two.
Early mornings will continue to look like the one I spent today. The whole schedule of attendance to pets and of waking up between 7:00 and 9:00 worked very well. I don't wholly know yet what the rest of deliberately living my individual life will mean.
I'm going to write a separate post about the other main goal, the work projects I'm pursuing. I started writing it here, but I've already got too much to write to include it in this otherwise short post, or to finish before I've got to be off making lunch and traveling in to campus.
I mean not to come out of the house to do much besides church on Sundays. Maybe, maybe for some really special events I'll emerge, but I won't let my evenings get spent on the first thing I get suggested every night. I'll still be going to aikido classes, though, including tonight at 7:15 and tomorrow at 6:30, back in the city. (Without choir practice to attend in the summer, I might even go to the satellite dojo for their Thursday classes, although I haven't decided.)
I will pray at least three times daily: once on waking between 7:00 and 8:00, once just after lunch at noon, and once in the evening. If I can schedule it well, I'll set aside both an evening prayer time and a separate one for compline, presumably right before bed.
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